Adult Ministries

Adult Ministries exists to draw us together as Kingdom builders in our lives, our homes, our jobs, our community, and our church. We strive to be continually growing in our relationship with Christ through prayer, studying His word, fellowship and service. 


Our Adult Sunday school class meets from August through May, in the sanctuary after the Sunday morning service. This class covers a range of book and topical studies. 


We are excited about a newly introduced concept in Women's Ministries. It doesn't matter if you're a stay-at-home mom, a woman in the workforce, retired, or some combination of these. Simply put, women are busy! 

Our goal is to enhance who you are as a believing woman and help you BLOOM through intermittent events designed to encourage you, challenge you, and help you grow in your faith. We hope to offer a few events throughout the year that provide the opportunity to bring women together. Some plans will be for all women, and some may be more tailored to a specific set of women. The possibilities are endless.

Most events will be open to all women in the community unless noted otherwise. It is also our intention to keep everything we do at a manageable cost and free whenever possible. 

This ministry is designed to encourage, challenge, and help women to grow in their faith. This is done through mini events. Events will be publicized through our website calendar, weekly emails, and church media. For more information, contact the church office.


Young adults don't often have a community or a landing spot after high school. Regardless of maturity, there can be a disconnect between the world of teenagers and the land of adults. For this reason, we have developed an intentional ministry in an effort to bridge the gap. Not only is this to encourage continued dedication to the church, but more importantly to your faith. As Young Adults, we find ourselves at more pivotal moments than we could have anticipated, and we are forced to make big-time decisions. Due to these challenges, community becomes vital for encouragement, growth, challenge, and for setting intentionality in your faith. Our faith in Jesus Christ changes our approach to the world, and through our small group, we seek to take this approach together. 

For college-aged students both in school and the workforce, we have created a small group designed for life application and biblical conversations. We meet every Monday from 6:30-8:00 for fellowship, studies, and prayer.